Shri Brij Pal Singh Inter College, Hariharpur, Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh, was established in the year 1997-98 and it is managed by the Founder Smt. Sunita Yadav. The school has an affiliation with Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP).
This is for boys and girls both inter-college and has 12 teachers. Hindi is the medium of instruction in this school & the school is from Nursery to Intermediate. This school is approachable by an all-weather road. This school academic session starts in April.
Read MoreThis website has been prepared for the students and parents of Shri Brij Pal Singh Inter College, Hariharpur, Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh.
Contains information about the school and its policies in comparison to students. Students and parents should use this information to get a better understanding of their school and its operation.
It is your school. The school has made provisions to make good education available to you; therefore, you have an obligation to use these facilities with care.
Students get practical exposure while working in well equipped laboratories.
We have a lavish green eco-friendly clean campus.
The students learn under the guidance of experienced faculties.
We have provides well quipped library with 500 books.
We have sports facilities for the improvement of physical and mental health.
We have 06 toilets for both boys & girls in our campus, which is neat & clean.